How a Throttle Controller Can Make an N70 Toyota Hilux Feel Like Brand New

Toyota N70 Hilux throttle controller

There aren't many utes today that can do it all but before the 2010s came there were quite a bit that could do it all. One of them was the Toyota Hilux, the N70 to be more specific, which was produced between 2005 and 2015. The early-year models were and still are some of the best new-age utes the Japanese car manufacturer has produced.

That sweet V6 under the bonnet mated with a good old 5-speed manual transmission meant you had dependability on your side. You could also get a four-cylinder 2.7-litre Hilux but this configuration wasn't as capable in terms of torque. If you still have one, you might want to consider getting a throttle controller.

Throttle Controllers

Throttle controller

How They Work

A throttle controller is a small palm-sized device that relies on electrical signals in order to help regulate the amount of air that enters each cylinder. This means that a responsive N70 Toyota Hilux throttle controller communicates with the ECU in order to determine how much air is needed depending on your throttle input. This happens instantaneously. 


Since there is no lag between you pressing down on the accelerator pedal and the controller going its magic, it means you get instant power delivery. This results in not only faster acceleration but also an overall more efficient vehicle and much better performance both off and on the road. If set up properly a throttle controller can change the way your Hilux behaves when on throttle especially when you need to go over a steep hill.

Types of Throttle Controllers

Advanced (Programmers)

In the same way, there are different Hilux generations, there are also different types of throttle controllers. The more expensive but also more capable solution is a throttle programmer. Also known as advanced throttle controllers, these are able to provide you with a lot more functionality in terms of modes, mode creation and available info.

There are definitely more than 3 pre-made modes on the device and you can make as many of your own as you like by setting up more than a dozen parameters with each. Some advanced throttle controllers come with LCD screens that show you real-time info about your Hilux such as G-force, acceleration speeds, temperature of different fluids and more. You can even use some as OBDII scanners but they have quite basic diagnostic capabilities.


A basic or standard N70 Hilux throttle controller isn't as bad as it sounds, in fact, it isn't a bad choice at all. If you're after a simple performance improvement without the need to fiddle around through rows of different settings on every drive, then a standard controller is for you.

It offers a straightforward setup process as well as a handful of modes to choose from depending on the type of driving you're going to do. While you do get to create your own modes, they are not as comprehensive. That's because the number of parameters you can adjust is quite low and so is the number of modes you can create as there's usually a limit.

Installing and Setting up a Throttle Controller

Throttle controller

1. Installing an N70 Hilux throttle controller may seem like a daunting task because of how the device works and what it can do for your ute but it's actually the opposite is true in this case.

2. The first step in installing a throttle controller starts by removing the connector plugged into the back of the throttle pedal. Once unplugged, set it aside and get the connector that came with your throttle controller. Plug that into the back of the throttle pedal.

3. Once that's done, find the piggyback connector that also came with your throttle controller and connect that to the back of the connector you just plugged into the pedal. With the piggyback connector in, you then need to plug in the connector that was already in the back of the pedal, into the back of the piggyback connector.

4. When you've made all the necessary connections, find a place to attach the controller. A good rule of thumb is to have it close by on the dash but not in the way of other controls. Make sure to route the cable through the steering column so that it doesn't hang loose and make the whole process look unprofessional.

5. With the controller in place and the cable tucked away, all that's left to do is set up the device. This is done by turning on the ignition and then the device. Once the device boots up, you need to select either a letter or a number. One represents a manual transmission and the other an automatic transmission vehicle. Select the letter or number that corresponds with the type of transmission your Hilux has.

6. Once done, just select the mode you want to drive your Hilux in and go for a test run around the block. If you're undecided in which mode to leave the device in, just set it to “AUTO” and you won't have to worry about it ever again.


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